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Import/Export MobaXterm Configuration

Import/Export MobaXterm Configuration

Posted on by MobaXterm dev team
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Are you aware that MobaXterm enables you to easily export your settings and import them into different machines? To facilitate this, we’ve added a straightforward feature. You can access it by navigating to the ‘Settings’ menu and selecting ‘Export configuration’.

    Export Configuration
    This feature allows you to export your desired settings in the .mobaconf format.
    Export Configuration
    You can choose the settings you want to export:
    Export Configuration
    Following this, you can import these settings into a new machine. This is done through the 'Settings' menu by selecting 'Import configuration'.
    Import Configuration
    During this process, you will have the opportunity to select the specific options you wish to import.
    Import Configuration
    We hope this little guide has been helpful.
    Thank you for taking the time to read it!