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MobaXterm new version 23.5

MobaXterm new version 23.5

Posted on by MobaXterm dev team
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Hi everyone!

We just released a new major version of MobaXterm (23.5)!

MobaXterm is your ultimate toolbox for remote computing: in a single Windows application, it provides loads of functions that are tailored for programmers, webmasters, IT administrators and pretty much all users who need to handle their remote jobs in a more simple fashion. MobaXterm provides all the important remote network tools (SSH, X11, WSL, RDP, VNC, FTP, MOSH, …) to Windows desktop, in a single portable exe file which works out of the box. MobaXterm provides a basic Unix-like environment for Windows which uses an advanced console and can even run WSL distribution on Windows with full X server support!

In this new 23.5 version, we have enhanced the SSH and terminal emulator engine by integrating the latest improvements from PuTTY. Notably, this includes support for the SSH MAC algorithm ‘hmac-sha2-512’.
We have also improved the 64 bit local terminal environment by updating the versions of OpenSSH, OpenSSL, Toybox, and Cygwin.

Additionally, we have added numerous new packages to the apt plugin creation tool. You can create your own plugin in the “MobApt packages manager” available under the “Tools” menu.

Full changelog:

version 23.5:

  • Improvement: updated the SSH and terminal emulator engine with the latest improvements from the PuTTY project command
  • Improvement: added support for SSH MAC algorithm "hmac-sha2-512"
  • Improvement: updated Toybox to the latest version in the 64-bit terminal environment
  • Improvement: added some new embedded commands in the 64-bit local terminal: file, getopt, hexdump, iconv, sha256sum, sha512sum
  • Improvement: upgraded OpenSSL to version 3.0 in the 64-bit local terminal environment
  • Improvement: improved the speed of the "apt" command in the 64-bit local terminal environment
  • Improvement: updated all the packages available through the "apt" command in the 64-bit local terminal environment
  • Improvement: the MobApt package manager displays a prompt to allow the local terminal to be switched to 64-bit
  • Improvement: better detection of small changes in "MobaTextDiff" graphical diff and merge tool
  • Improvement: added a check for empty file names in the SSH browser, before removing color sequences
  • Improvement: improved completion of plugin names in the new "apt plugin" command
  • Improvement: many new packages are now available in the "apt plugin" command
  • Improvement: improved conversion of Unix to Dos files paths for "ldd" and "open" commands
  • Improvement: better detection of the proper monitor for terminal popup messages placement
  • Improvement: updated the embedded X11 server based on Xorg to version 21.1.8
  • Improvement: added a way to disable SSH, Serial, Browser, Shell, and WSL sessions in the Professional Customizer
  • Improvement: added syntax highlighting for Cmake files in the MobaTextEditor and MobaTextDiff
  • Improvement: modified the mechanism used for 64-bit binaries located in a read-only folder
  • Bugfix: prevented the command line SSH client from breaking the tty when exiting on error
  • Bugfix: the basic telnet server used to freeze a few seconds during client disconnection

You can download this new release from MobaXterm website.

Thank you again for your precious support, for your tests on Preview versions and for your very positive feedback about MobaXterm. This is very motivating for us, thank you!

We hope you will enjoy working with this new version of MobaXterm!