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MobaXterm new release 8.1

MobaXterm new release 8.1

Posted on by MobaXterm dev team
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Hi everyone!

We just built a new release of MobaXterm (version 8.1)!

This new version comes with several new improvements among which:

  • Improved SFTP browser for SSH connections
  • Improved Windows 10 compatibility (no bugs found on Windows 10 final version yet)
  • Improved local terminal and overall startup speed
  • Some bug fixes (duplicate tab, powershell, SSH)

MobaXterm is your ultimate toolbox for remote computing: in a single Windows application, it provides loads of functions that are tailored for programmers, webmasters, IT administrators and pretty much all users who need to handle their remote jobs in a more simple fashion. MobaXterm provides all the important remote network tools (SSH, X11, RDP, VNC, FTP, MOSH, …) to Windows desktop, in a single portable exe file which works out of the box.

Here is the full changelog:

  • Bugfix: corrected the SFTP browser which was not displayed if you used a private SSH key with no passphrase
  • Bugfix: advanced terminal settings were not accessible for telnet sessions
  • Bugfix: corrected an issue with Powershell and Cmd sessions when a startup folder was specified
  • Bugfix: the "duplicate tab" feature did not work in previous version
  • Bugfix: SSH keys in a shared folder with UNC path were not handled correctly
  • Bugfix: terminal resize was not handled correctly when asked by "screen", "tmux" or "reset" programs
  • Bugfix: corrected the SFTP browser which did not work with GSSAPI SSH connections
  • Bugfix: corrected an issue with "ascii" command which exited without displaying ascii table
  • Bugfix: removed some code which made some antivirus detect games executable as false-positive
  • Bugfix: the "-exec" feature was not working correctly with ssh commands in previous version
  • Improvement: improved the KeepAlive function by enabling/disabling the application-level keepalive feature AND the TCP keepalive feature simultaneously
  • Improvement: added some debugging information for MoTTY connections (right-click on the terminal and choose "Event log" to show it)
  • Improvement: popup windows for fatal connection errors are now printed to the terminal output
  • Improvement: display SSH banner before the remote server banner for better readibility
  • Improvement: replaced Ctrl+Insert shortcut by Ctrl+Shift+Insert for pasting in the terminal
  • Improvement: added Ctrl+0 shortcut for resetting fonts size to default
  • Improvement: added the Ctrl+Left_arrow / Ctrl+Right_arrow keyboard shortcuts for "forward-word" / "backward-word" in terminal
  • Improvement: increased startup speed especially if you have many sessions folders
  • Improvement: you can now save your SSH keys passphrases the same way as you save passwords if you activate the setting in "Manage passwords" window
  • Improvement: a middle-click on a SFTP browser item copies the item path to the SSH session
  • Improvement: added the VAGRANT_DETECTED_OS environment variable which allows Vagrant to work correctly inside MobaXterm
  • Improvement: if SFTP browser does not work because your remote server echoes some text, an explicit warning message is displayed in MobaXterm log file
  • Improvement: added a new script which allows to create MobaXterm sessions from a plain text list of servers: ""

You can download this new release from MobaXterm website.